Sunday, 20 December 2009

The Three Wise Men

A bit like my current football team's form, or should it be my football team's current form, today's WHIE sortee started off well but petered out and was ultimately dissappointing.  Fourteen species before the end of Horton Burn but the final count was a Scrooge-like 17.   In a festive fashion, my patch was invaded by the Crameltonian Magi - Crammy, Steve and Dee McE, but they were gift-less.  Only a mere Grey Heron, a Mipit and Mistle Thrush were added to the day's running total, hardly the ornithological equivalent of Gold, Frankincense and Myrrh!  Anyway, the dog's resting now, so I am going back for a second go, with camera and bins.  Hopefully, the Red Kite seen at 11.30 today (and betcha bottom dollar it'll be Lucky Crammy who 'bagged' it!) might pop in.

1 comment:

  1. It wasn't me this time but my friend who works at Plessey Woods told me that Red Kite have been seen in that area recently.
