Friday, 17 September 2010

Ruddy Miracle

After my nemesis was gifted a tick yesterday, and moved two ahead, it made what might be an average bird to some a significant one for me.  I would, had I read BirdForum last night 'afore slumber', have nipped to East Chev. this morning, but the Pope's visit must have precipitated The Big Man Upstairs directing that I went into work for 7:10 am and not to the North Pool (overnight, there was some substantial faeces that had hit the device to circulate currents of air, especially one with rotating blades).  It was ideal that I was at my desk not 20 miles away.  Phew!

But after my eight hours of public service, I thought I would give it a go.

Thirty five minutes later, and no ruddy duck!  Plenty to see, but no ticks to be had.  And then, beyond the islands, with scope at 60x, a stiffy (ooo-errr, Mrs Gimlet!).  And with it, I draw level with my best birding year (2007) at 209.  And one step nearer 'himself'!

If all else fails, can I count an Aylesbury Duck!?!?!?


  1. Well done on equalling your best ever year!!

    I'm working all weekend, so fill your boot.

  2. Not sure what I will fill my boots with. Looking at my Life list and taking out the year ticks, apart from rareties dropping in unexpectedly, the 'likelies' between now and NYE are Raven, both Redpolls, Brambling, Firecrest, Glaucous and Iceland Gulls, GN Diver, may be a shearwater or two, Water Pipit and Snow Bunting. Or even a Hawfinch at Hulne (fat chance!).

  3. A trip to Kielder could get you Lesser Redpoll and Raven. I had 4 or 5 Lesser Redpoll from the cafe at Tower knowe earlier this year.
