Monday, 11 April 2011

Better Still

Visited a few local-ish spots this evening.  Beehive Flash was poor -  few Teal and a pair each of Coot and Shelduck.

Backworth Flash had a pair of Canada Geese, a Greylag, three drake Mallards and a pair of Coot.

Next was off to a nearby building to try for the third time for a Little Owl.  Third time lucky?  You betcha...................

Again, the shitty-shotty filter is on so no images, I'm afraid.


  1. Glad to know Little Owl is still at Backworth. Not seen them for a while. Would be grateful for a pointer on where they are now.

  2. Tim - happy to help. Email me on and I will send you details (rather than put it in here), if that's OK.
