Friday 1 January 2010

Bad Weather? Good Birding!

A little surprised at the white stuff that has fallen in the last 24 hours; half a foot deep in parts!  This was probably what moved two Fieldfare, four LT Tits and a male Bullfinch through my garden this morning.  Tits on my fat balls (ooo-errr!!!), Fieldfare drinking from my pond and the Bully just ambling by.  Three garden life ticks in ten minutes.  Magic!

Horton Burn en hiver, as the French would say!

A couple of trips to the West Hartford Business Park, one with pup, one with camera.  Had 250 PF Geese over, southwards, at 1pm, and a Cormorant, north, 90 minutes later.  Had a text from Davy Tee saying he had a Woodcock whilst sledging.  I did not know he was so excited by a toboggan!!!! 

Snow and a formidable sky make the place almost scenic!  Almost!

Looking west, a few deer passing through.

The ancient earthworks - allegedly! (behind the palisade fence)

Looking west over the larger Flash.

Looking west over the smaller Flash.

The Cormorant's there somewhere!

All in all, 31 species today, in/around Crammers, three times as many as other years.

1 comment:

  1. The trouble with having a Woodcock whilst sleding is that it hurts when you fall off
