Saturday 24 August 2013


It's here for its third day:

Joined this afternoon by four of these:

And three u/k waders were part of the gull flock that 'got the flock out' as I neared the pool (I must wear some lo-viz garb next time!).

Arcot was busy, the Teal numbers moving up from half a dozen to about 80, with two female Shovelers, three Gadwall (2M:1F), the Garganey; Mallards, Moorhens and Coots: Little Grebes and a Heron that was observed harpooning a guinea-pig sized vole (couldn't see a tail) and eating it!

Amazing (unless you were said rodent)!


  1. (I must wear some lo-viz garb next time!).
    Yeh ! Pink shellsuit while very fetching is no good for birding.
    Your putting in some very good patch birding...well done.

  2. the amazing run continues Gordon :-)
