Sunday 21 February 2010

And 'H' is also for..................

...............Ham!  Yes, the cold meat and frequent sandwich filler.  'And why ham?', I hear you ask.  Ham because it was some rancid meat my pup ate on Thursday evening whilst out walking that prompted me and 'Er Indoors being met by a sickly Beagle when we got home from Ross on Friday (it's not too far from Ross-on-Wye!).  And, bless her (the dog not the missus), she was bad all day yesterday, thwarting my planned trip out to Keilder and looking like putting the kibosh on any optic use today (either birding or public house versions!).  My contribution to the vet's next holiday appears to have had little effect and so it may need another one today.  And it's Sunday.  So there's a call-out fee too!  Cancel Skegness, he'll now be off to Acapulco.........

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