Monday 26 April 2010

Out For A Duck

Thought I'd make an early call for the Mandarin at the Beehive Flash, so got there at 7:00 am or so to be met by a Crow, a Lapwing and a Redshank.  Even with my eyesight, neither could be confused for the intended quarry.  And as I stood, looking over the Flash, from my right, the sound of geese.  And as they neared, like the Battle of Britain flight on HRH's birthday, there they were.  Two Greylags, flanking a duck, coming in low (start the music here) and as they past, I was almost so emotional I was motivated to take the salute!  If it wasn't for those Greylags, and the Mandarin between, this great country would be ruled by Nazi waterfowl and we would not know freedom!

Enough of the pseudo-humour, onwards and upwards to this evening and a Bothal visit that did not provide bott all (what a pun!) but did add Green Sandpiper to the year and then northbound to East Chev.  Two Wimbrel in and over the South Pool, Sandwich Terns on the North and more Hirundines than I have ever seen, more like a swarm of flies than a flock of birds but no Swifts unfortunately.

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