Saturday 6 April 2013

Chiffchaff Chuffed

Spoilt for choice this morning.  After an earlier than expected walk so Her Ladyship could have her cock-a-doodle poo (See Roger's Profanisaurus* ) and a blank in terms of Chiffchaff, both The Guv and Crammy scored (and so, dear Reader, eventually did I).  To the rear of Morrison's here in Viet-Cram, the familiar and well-delayed sound of Spring.  Bring on the Willow Warblers!

Wanting to locate my own, so dropped in at Bassington NR.  Chiffless, it pains me to say, but at least I am consistent?  And consistent on another front, as I have only probably ever seen half a dozen Woodcocks in my ever-decreasing time on planet Earth.  But so far this week, there's been seven, and two today at Bassie.  A previously unheard buzzing-type sound drew me ever closer to the trees near the back/centre, and whilst creeping closer and closer, and the sound still evident, and no sign of any bird in any bush, up flies S. rusticola number 1.  Bonus, thinks I, as the sound remained and I got nearer and then up flies number 2.  Bigger bonus.

I've listened to a few recordings on Xeno, and am yet to hear anything resembling what I heard today, but before I left the same sound was there, more to the east end of the south edge of the wooded area, so Crammy, it would be worth a walk through.

* - Cock-A-Doodle Poo: The bowel movement that, needing to come out urgently, wakes you up in the morning to get to the toilet quick.

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